UKTIS welcomes new head of service
In September 2018, the UK Teratology Information Service sadly had to say goodbye to their head of service for the past nine years, Dr Laura Yates, who relocated with her family to South Africa to continue her career as a clinical geneticist and to begin the effort of extending the ENTIS network into Africa. Laura’s friends and colleagues from the UK will miss her dearly, but wish her the best of luck in her future endeavours back in her native homeland.
Laura’s replacement as head of UKTIS was officially appointed in December 2018. ENTIS wishes to congratulate and welcome Dr Kenneth Hodson, a consultant obstetrician from the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, into his new role as head of UKTIS, and looks forward to working with him and the continued involvement of UKTIS in all of the network’s activities.