30th Annual Conference 2019, Oslo, Norway – Abstract Deadline Approaching
The deadline for abstract submission is Monday, 15th April 2019.
All accepted abstracts will be published in Reproductive Toxicology.
Instructions for Authors
- Abstracts should be organised as Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusions
- Abstracts must contain original work that has not been previously published
- Research projects should be complete, and not based on anticipated data
- Abstracts should be relevant to teratology, but understandable to a wider audience
- Service-based abstracts are encouraged
- The abstract must be submitted in Microsoft Word format
- Font style: Times New Roman, Font size: 12 pt, Spacing: 1.5
- Abstracts should not exceed 500 words in length including Title, Authors and Affiliations
- Use of graphics, graphs or tables is not permitted
Abstracts should be submitted to entis-oslo2019@farmasi.uio.no